Wednesday, April 4, 2018
Attendance: 85
Greeters: Jason Gergely and George Brennan
Invocation: Fred Nieter
Guests: London, grandson of Randy Polston; Heather Smith, guest of Doug Baumgardner; Layne Sumner, guest of Larry Bishop; Rob Edling had his wife Brenda and granddaughter Scarlet were his guests.
Membership Report: Heather Smith had second reading by Steve Hollar
Induction: None
Birthdays: Adam Reed and Mark Skibowski; Guest Matt Voss with Lake City Skiers also celebrated and received a lone birthday song
50/50: $38.00 to winner Dirk Sommers
Check Presentation: Lake City Skiers for $500 – presented to Matt Voss by Steve Hollar
CEO Report: George Brennan by Brittany Petersen
Sheriff Report: None
Golf Outing – Everett Nifong, Chair, said that teams are being formed. Grab a registration sheet or call him at 574.551.9145.
City of Lakes Car Show – Jenny Lucht said volunteers are still needed. Contact her or Alan to help out. Please take table flyers and get them distributed around town.
Program: Dr. Nate Bosch w/ Lilly Center for Lakes and Streams presented: Water Water Water
Sergeants-at-Arms: Sam Whitaker and Jeff Owens – “Water” game with Dr. Bosch officiating produced the dollars. Row 2 scored!
Next Week’s Program (April 11): Leesburg the Duck Capital of the World by Jenelle Deatsman
Quote: “By providing hope and positive vision, optimists bring out the best in kids.” O.I. Mission Statement
Adjourn: By President Hollar at 8:04 a.m.