Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Upcoming Programs:


5/4-Robotics/Kris Farwell

5/11-North Central Co-op

5/18 KCCVB & State Tourism Bureau/Jill Boggs & Mark Newsome

5/25-Memorial Day Singers


6/1-Winona Lake Town Update/Craig Allebach

6/8-Avionics Class/WCHS Eric Coburn

6/15-Warsaw Rugby Club/Trevor Cracknel & Mark Maruso

6/22-Celebrate Recovery/Loren Eiker


Call To Order @ 7:00am

Invocation by: Fred Nieter.

Greeters:      Austin Donavan.

91 Members & Guests:       

  1. Cheryl Avery-guest of Trina Hoy.
  2. Noon Optimist members-Delivering flowers.
  3. Paul elster-guest of Brian Brauchla.
  4. Jake Metzger-guest and son of Dan Metzger.
  5. Sara Watkins and daughters-guest of Dr. Joe Thallemer.

Birthdays:   David Benning, Jim Smith, Gene Groninger, Jeff Serveis, Doug Blatz and Jeffrey Crawford.

Check Presentation:  Rick Kerlin presented a check to Maggie Watkins in the amount of $500 to help support the Clothes Closet Project.


Mike Cox conducted:

2nd Reading for:

Cheryl Avery-who is sponsored by Trina Hoy

Program: Clark Sheperd presented this morning about the mission, purpose and future of Allowing Christ To Shine (ACTS).  They are an organization dedicated to help the children in Haiti.  They will have a 5k/10k on June 18, 2016.



Committee Reports:

  1. Car Show-Jenny Lucht said we need sponsors and door prizes.  We are down $5,000 from last year.  Remember the money generated from this event is used to help the youth in our community!
  2. Golf Outing-will be June 16th.  Kris Farwell said they are in need of golf door prizes.
  3. Triathlon will be on June 25th.


District Meeting was last weekend in downtown Marion.  The Oratorical Contest Male winner was our very own Daniel Kosh.  He received a scholarship of $2,500 and will be going on to the Regional competition in June at St. Louis.

We have Optimist Club polo shirts to purchase this week and next.  The sheet to get one will be on the table when you come in.

CEO Report:  Rick Kerlin was announced this morning.  He has been a member since 04/14/2010. 

50/50: Eric Lane won this morning!


Joel Wihebrink and Tim Hamann entertained us this morning!


  1. Next Week:  Robotics/Kris Farwell 
  2. Thank You Guests & Speaker.
  3. Clean your tables, have an optimistic week.

Quote: “Nothing will change until you make up your mind that you are not going to accept mediocrity. Take the limitations off of yourself. Break out of the box and try something new, tap into your seeds of greatness. There’s so much potential in you.”   -Joel Osteen Ministries.

Thanks and have an Optimist Week!  Remember to ask a business about supporting our local youth by sponsoring the Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Car Show on Sunday, May 15th.