Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Wednesday, April 20, 2016
Upcoming Programs:
4/27-A.C.T.S./Clark Shepherd
May 4-Robotics
May 11-North Central Co-op
May 18 KCCVB & State Tourism Bureau-Jill Boggs
May 25-Memorial Day Singers
Call To Order @ 7:00am
Invocation by: Dave Turner.
Greeters: George Brennen & Jeff Owens.
99 Members & Guests:
- Cheryl Avery-guest of Trina Hoy.
- Mickey Cochran-guest of Trina Hoy.
- Brittany Lyon-guest of Ron Donkers.
- Joey Hickerson-guest of Joel Wihebrink.
- Tressa Nichols-guest of Pam Galloway.
- Noon Optimist members-selling flowers.
- Warsaw High School Girls Tennis Team and Coach-Rick Orban.
Birthdays: Art Gakstatter, Adam Turner, Frank Grose, David Robertson and Jo Faulkner.
Check Presentation: Dr. Jenny Lucht presented a check to Brittany Lyons in the amount of $2500 to help support Gradway.
Pam Galloway conducted:
1st Reading for:
Cheryl Avery-who is sponsored by Trina Hoy
Program: Dan Coplen presented this morning about the Historical Museum.
Committee Reports:
- Car Show-Jenny Lucht said we need sponsors and door prizes. We are down from last year.
- Golf Outing-will be June 16th. Everett said that one of our new members, Travis McConnell, is going to be our goodie bag sponsor this year! Thanks Travis!
- Triathlon will be on June 25th.
District Meeting will be on April 22nd in downtown Marion. Contact Michele Bickel if interested in attending.
Ron Chambers updated us on the club visitation that was held on April 15th in Middlebury and thanked the members who attended.
Optimist of the Month for March Announced: Ann Sweet. Congratulations Ann!
Check Presentation: Jeff Owens presented a check to Todd Blanton in the amount of $300 to help support Scouts.
50/50: Chris Hanson won this morning!
Joel Wihebrink and Tim Hamann entertained us this morning!
- Next Week: A.C.T.S.
- Thank You Guests & Speaker.
- Clean your tables, have an optimistic week.
Quote: “Permanent success cannot be achieved except by incessant intellectual labor, always inspired by the ideal.” -Sarah Barnhardt.
Thanks and have an Optimist Week!