Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Future Dates
4/27 Grace College—Nat Bosch
4/30 District Meeting in Indy
5/4 Boys & Girls Club
5/7 Respect for Law
5/21/11 Car Show
6/16/11 Golf Outing
6/25/11 Triathlon
76 Optimists & 6 guests attended our meeting: Shawn Williamson guest of Everett Nifong; Eric Lane guest of Mike Hall; Nate & Kevin Stone guests of Joel Wihebrink; Larry Stackhouse & Jim Tague from the Noon Club. Door Greeter: Pete Gano. Prayer was offered by Merl Heckaman. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in uni-son. Optimist Singers: Martin Beck led our Optimist Singers as they sang ―Beautiful Savior.‖
Prayer List: Donna Nordstrom is doing much better. She is out and about. Marilyn Kenipe is home & do-ing well. Remember the families of Ray Wolff & Mitch Goon at the passing of their mothers.
Stonehenge Golf Outing June 16: Everett Nifong is looking for help & sponsors at the $100, $450, $1000 levels. Josh Gordon, Mike Cusick & Andy Swihart are looking for door prizes & items for the 80 goody bags. Golf is $90 per player. Brochures are available.
Trace Hansen reported 564 kids skated at our Spring Break Skate. He thanked all who helped.
Scott Whitaker announced Respect for Law – Law Enforcement in Action Day will be May 7 from 9am to 2pm. Kids from 6 to 16 can register. Registration forms are on the back table. Help is needed.
Judge Joe Sutton & Past Gov. Ron Donkers reported Joe will be out of town during our 6/25 Triathlon. It is important that we stay and help pick up liter after the race. We need to leave the park and area yards in great shape.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve invited us to the District Meeting in Indy, 4/30. Tell Jennifer Dorman if you are going.
Lt. Gov. Jim Reeve thanked those who helped the 16 contestants at the Regional Oratorical Contest.
Gina Voelz invited us to the Animal Welfare League dinner for $35 on 4/23 at the Ramada at 6pm.
Co-Chairman John Elliott reminded us our Down-town Cruise In is 5/21/11. Please give John Teevan your $25 for the trophies we sponsor. We also need to ask our employers if they want to sponsor the show at the $100, $200, or $500 level. Green spon-sorship forms are available. Art Gakstatter spread the word at area car shows. Jeff Owens mailed invi-tations to last year’s participants. Sam Whitaker did the directional signs. The Registration Committee is meeting today at 4pm.
Tell Past Pres. Sam Whitaker by 4/27 if you are will-ing to run for office. Our election will be 5/4.
Jim Tague & Larry Stackhouse from the Noon Club will deliver flowers 4/27.
Nate Stone is organizing the Race for Trace in honor of Tracey Yeager on May 30 at 9am in the Wi-nona Lake Park. Proceeds go to the Kosc. County Cancer Care Fund. Call Nate at 267-3212.
Martin Becker invited us to the 5/5 concert at the Warsaw Performing Arts Center at 7:30pm. Both the Grace College Comm. Wind Ensemble & the Truth in Jazz “Big Band” will perform.
Sergeants-at-Arms: Denny Andrews, Jeff Owens & Max Mock entertained us. Those who have not run in the Boston Marathon (not Don Reinholt) and those who are running for office were recognized.
50/50: Art Gakstatter donated his winnings to the Race for Trace.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
Brian Leverett – Navy – Key West, FL
Program: Hugh Gerard of KCH’s Cancer Care Center brought us up to date with the high level of treatment available at KCH. KCH is one of the na-tionally ranked top 100 hospitals. KCH does the same IMRT & IGRT treatments as Goshen, South Bend, or Fort Wayne hospitals. With these treat-ments the radiation goes to the tumor but not to the surrounding area.