Birthdays: Jeanine Corson and Adam Turner
Check Presentation: None
Brooke Hamstra conducted:
1st Reading:
2nd Reading: Kody Carpenter (Joey Hickerson)
3rd Reading: Mike Doub (Everett Nifong)
Rick Kerlin conducted:
Induction: Michelle Stavrou (Erica Elliott), David Grant (Erica Elliott) and Helen Berry (Travis McConnell)
Program: Gary Gerard – Editor-in-Chief, Times-Union Newspaper
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- Noon Optimist Club – Flower Sale going on now
- Elections coming up April 26th
- Car Show still in need of sponsorships
CEO Report: None
50/50: John Sullivan wins!!
Sergeants-at-arms: Travis McConnell, Jim Smith and Juergen Voss entertained us!
- Thank You Guests & Members.
- Clean your tables.
- Like our Facebook page and share Optimist events