Wednesday, April 14, 2010
Future Dates
04/17 Safe Assured @ YMCA
04/21 Car Show meeting
05/15 Respect for Law
05/22 Car Show Fundraiser
06/17 Golf Outing fundraiser
06/26 Triathlon
79 Optimists & 4 guests attended our meeting: Mike Foreman guest of Art Gakstatter; Jim Tague from Noon Optimist; Greg Houlton guest of Everett Nifong; Dr. Craig Hintz guest of Tom Kline. Door Greeters: David Taylor & Ed Nordstrom. Prayer was offered by Don Reinholt. Pledge was given to the American Flag. Promise yourself was said in unison. Birth-day Honoree: Art Gakstatter. Martin Becker led us with a ―10‖ performance. Mystery Person Jim Hayes reported 25 people shook his hand.
Prayer List: Daniel Elliott’s continued recovery. John Elliott’s recovery from hip surgery.
Membership: Past President Jeff Owens inducted Rick Kerlin. Lyle Enyeart sponsored Rick.
Sherriff Bill Landrigan: It was good to see Jim Wal-mer & Tonya Welsh.
Trace Hansen has the help he needs for our Safe As-sured ID 4/17 from 9am to 2pm at the YMCA.
Trace Hansen needs ongoing members for the Safe Assured ID committee to do the following tasks: a person to do data entry, a person to get volunteers for events, & a person to set up & tear down at the events. Trace will continue to schedule events.
Spring Break Skate: Trace Hansen reported 494 kids skated last week.
Everett Nifong handed out Stonehenge Golf Outing applications. The event is June 17. Cost is $360 per foursome. Call 551-9145 to sponsor at the $1000, $450, or $100 level. Everett thanked Greg Houlton from Allegra Printing for printing our applications for free for several years. Mike Cusick asked us to con-sider what we will donate as door prizes at our golf outing.
Art Gakstatter asked all who can to stay after our 4-21 meeting for a Car Show meeting.
Election: We elected: Jeff Neumann—President; Joel Wihebrink—President-Elect; Angie Tom & Dave Meier—VPs; Bruse Hansen, Jay Tate, Jim Kessler & Bob Jackson—Board.
Jim Tague from the Noon Club asked those who bought flowers to pick them up at our 4/21 meeting.
Scott Whitaker announced our Respect for Law day is 5/15 on the 3rd floor of the courthouse. Some help will be needed that day.
Stacey Cox saluted: Charles Neumann, who joined in 2008, has raised lots of money with Christmas trees. Jerry Titus, who joined in 1974, has 26 years perfect attendance, is past president & Lt. Gov, Opti-mist of the Year, Distinguished District Optimist, is a Lifetime member & our secretary. Jerry has held nu-merous other District offices. Next week Stacey will salute Andy Swihart & Millie Andrews.
Past Gov. Ron Donkers & Jim Hayes reported 157 have already registered for our 6/26 Triathlon. Please keep the date. Chairs of committees need to start getting ready for this year’s Triathlon.
Sergeant-at-Arms: Lyle Enyeart helped us cele-brate Everett Nifong’s distracted hole-in-one. Dr. Steve Hollar & Rich Haddad enjoyed seeing our high school boys golf team perform well. Trace Hansen went to Washington D.C. as part of the Olympic Committee’s Seminar. Martin Becker heard a top pianist at Carnegie Hall. Lyle Enyeart confessed he did not find the boat in the paper. 50/50: This week Mike Foreman won $25.
Please pray for our Troops and Families:
SSgt Ryan Middleton – Air Force
Program: Art Gakstatter introduced past President, Rookie of the Year, 36 year perfect attendance mem-ber, Mike Foreman, who entertained us with back-ground on his scrimshaw, engraving, & knife & cane making hobby. Mike has lots of stories about our past.