Birthdays: Art Gakstatter, Jim Bricker
Check Presentation: None
Brooke Hamstra conducted:
1st Reading: Kody Carpenter (Joey Hickerson)
2nd Reading: Mike Doub (Everett Nifong)
3rd Reading: Helen Berry (Travis McConnell), Michelle Stavrou (Erica Elliott), David Grant (Erica Elliott)
Ron Donkers conducted:
Induction : Lisa Mahan (Chris Mahan)
Program: Jim Tag – Immensity of the Universe
Committee Reports/Announcements:
- Club Elections being held 4/26
- Jenny Lucht – Need help finding sponsorships for the Car Show happening June 4. Everyone bring a door prize!
- Ron Chambers – Six people attended the Club visitation on Monday in Rochester. They almost had Trina, but she went to the Bowling Alley!
- Erika Elliott – Lake City Living which she publishes, and about the Fat Skinny Tire fest coming up May 19-21.
- John Elliott In need of more letters for Carl Snyder for the Honor Flight April 26.
- Ot Schroeder – Gradway Open House Auction happening Saturday, April 29.
CEO Report
- None
50/50: Jay Tate wins!!
Sergeants-at-arms: Juergen Voss entertains us!
- Thank You Guests & Members.
- Clean your tables.
- Like our Facebook page and share Optimist events