Warsaw Morning Optimist, Wednesday, April 3, 2019
The Morning Optimist Meeting was conducted by Past President George Brennan.
Bill Landrigan gave the Invocation
Greeters Tracy Fitzgerald, Ot Schroeder
Joey Hickerson conducted the Third reading for Scott Clay, potential new member.
No Birthdays this week
Committee report:
Car Show, scheduled for May 19, Volunteers still needed
No 50-50 today, in memory of Don Kneipe the club donated the money that would have gone to 50-50 to the Scholarship Fund.
Check presentation of $1500 to KSCL
Sergeants took Happy Dollars and fined various members on trumped up charges.
Program: Tim Zentz, General Manager, Danco Anodizing. Danco performs anodizing for various products including Orthopaedic parts for the orthopaedic companies in Warsaw.