Warsaw Morning Optimist, June 26, 2019

Greeters – Ron Chambers & Ron Donkers

Invocation – Alan Lucht

Membership – Third reading, Chris Plack & Brad Voelz

Andy Shepherd, Brad Fischer and Sarah Strahan Inducted

Induction – Sarah Strahan, Andy Shepherd, & Brad Fischer; Trace Hanson conducted the induction

Matt Teevan & Steve Albertson

Birthdays – Kevin Harter, Dr. Mitchell Reinholt, Jeff Rockett, Matt Teevan, Steve Albertson


Tri – Paula reported on the Tri, weather was perfect and everything ran smoothly.

Car Show – This Sunday, 2:00 pm, still need some help in various areas

Fair Weeks meetings – July 3 and 10, meeting will take place in Alpha Hall, Grace College

50/50 – $54.50 to Mickey Smithers,


Tyler Metzinger, Jarett Orr, Kendra Housel,
Anna Sullivan & Elizabeth Yeiter
All of these current and former students have received the Optimist Scholarship.
Susie Light, Director,
Kosciusko County Community Foundation

KCCF Suzie Light – Warsaw Morning Optimist began the Warsaw Optimist Scholarship in 1988. The current fund balance is $72,335.21. $59,000 have been awarded from the fund to Warsaw students. The total amount awarded to students from the Kosciusko County Community Foundation during 2019 was over $500,000.

Julie Robinson,
Optimist International Foundation

Julie Robinson, Optimist International (OI) Foundation, – Need for involvement at the District and State level of Optimist International. 100 birthday for Optimist International celebrated its 100th birthday last week. The Optional Foundation is responsible to raise funds for OI’s youth and service programs.

Sergeants – Happy dollars were collected for various personal celebrations. Also bogus fines were levied and collected.