Warsaw Morning Optimist, July 24, 2019
Rob Bishop Presiding
Greeters – Jeff Owens and Andy Shepherd
Attendance – 96
Invocation – Ivan Schuler

Birthdays – Doug Ogle, Jason Gergely, Craig Allebach, Kristen Farwell
Guests – Chris Francis, Abisha Gross, Mary Crane, Edin Farwell
Membership – Luis Gonzalez, Third reading
Check Presentations-

Baker’s Youth Club –$500 to help BYC continue and expand their programs
Camp Hero – $3,000 An opportunity for young people to interact with first responders and law enforcement through fun interactive activities for a week of activities
50/50 – Gary Tanner, $40
Committees –

*Oratorical Contest, Jason Benyouski delivered the speech that took him to the Optimist National Speech Contest, Congratulations to Jason.
*Santa House Repairs – August 10 and 17 need people to help with repairs, 1100 W. Winona Ave
*Big Wheel Race – August 2nd downtown Warsaw at Center Lake Park.
*Fall Displays – Thank you to the club for signing up to help with the various aspects of the Fall Display set up and delivery.
Sergeants – fined people for various reasons including not singing the Optimist Song and eating at the Kiwanis kiosk at the Elkhart County Fair.

Program – Kyle Dukes, Drug Task Force – The Task Force began March 1, 2019 92 arrests have been made in the Meth and Heroin drug sales.
There has been a new jail commander hired, there was extreme overcrowding prior to this year, after the new commander was hired the overcrowding is much better.
JCAP is a drug rehabilitation program that has been revamped to help people with basic life skills and mental health assistance. This program gives people that have been incarcerated the “stepping stones” to being successful outside of jail.