Warsaw Morning Optimist, July 10, 2019
Greeters – Art Gackstater, Paul Heaton, Rick Swaim
Attendance – 69
Invocation – David Haines
Rob Bishop presided over the meeting.
Induction – Brad Voelz was inducted by Gina Voelz. He agreed to always do the dishes in addition to his commitment to be an active member of Warsaw Morning Optimist
Membership – First Reading, Alan Tio, CEO Kosciusko Economic Development.
*Visitors – Paula Ibach, Alan Tio, Mike McNeal, Andrea Sullivan
Birthdays – Angie Tom, Travis McConnell
Committees – District Convention: Jennifer Dorman reporting that she is attending the district convention at Essenhaus in Middlebury.
*Big Wheel Race – August 2, 2019, help is needed to make this event happen.

Program – Parkview Hospital- Scott Gabriel gave an update concerning the various Research and other programming being offered by Parkview Hospital in Fort Wayne and other sites in Northern Indiana, including Warsaw.