Warsaw Breakfast Optimist – Wednesday December 6th, 2023

The bell was rung at 7:01 (7:01?), Call to Order 7:00 am with 70 members in attendance.
Invocation – Bill Landrigan
The Pledge of Allegiance was spoken as well as the Optimist Creed
Optimist song was sung by most of the members, while a certain table continued it’s protest it purpose in our meeting.
President – Charlie Wagner rang the Bell
Today’s Greeter– Troy Tom, all-around good guy and long time member. Today’s Guests- Bob Walsh, Jessica Camerena, Lisa Harman, Austin Roades, Cale Fahringer, Grace St Clair, T.J. Faur, Josh Fisher, Natalie Moore.
Announcements –
Kyrie Maierle- Santa House- Santa and helpers still needed for Saturday December 16/23.
John Sullivan- Salvation Army- Bell ringing slot needed for 3-4 pm/ North Doors Walmart/December 9th.
White Elephant is 12/27/2023.
Check Presentation – $800 dollars to Lilly Lakes and Streams- Grace St. Clair,T.J. Faur, Josh Fisher accepting.

Birthdays – George Brennan, club sang a tepid rendition of Happy Birthday, reflecting a respect for George but a general morning malaise.
Membership update – Paul Finley introduced the club to Cale Fahringer. Welcome Cale.

Meet your member – George Brennan.
50/50 – Kris Farwell- Winner- Susan Armacost split a total of $89 with the club, in what was surely some kind of collaboration with Kris to skim funds from the split the pot regulars.
Sergeants at Arms– Josh Siebert. Spent a lot of time recognizing the follicly challenged, and confusing a Barber Shop Quartet singing Bill Landrigan for a Barber instead. Some members shared the moment they realized for the first time their hair loss was real.
Today’s Program –
Breathe Well Kosciusko
Jessica Camerena VP/
Austin Rhodes Coordinator/
Natalie Moore- Youth Coordinator-
Intro by Amy Roe.
NEXT WEEK Christmas Program by the Optimist Singers.