Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, September 7, 2022

Presiding – Jim Smith
Attendance – 65
Invocation – Ot Schroeder
Greeters – Gina Voelz and Brooke Hamstra
Announcements – End of year Banquet-Charlie W.
- Fall display corn pick up tomorrow, 3 pm
- Golf outing, September 20
- Nelson’s Golden Glo, October 1
Birthdays – Rich Haddad (4th), Joel Wihebrink (4th), and Everett Newman III (9th)
Membership – Paul / Tom

Sergeants at Arms – Members were harassed about their fashion choices. Amy Rowe was asked “Five Questions” about her breakfast choices.
Program – Marty Becker, introduced by Ron Chambers.
Martin R. Becker is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio. He holds a B.M.E. from Morehead State University and a Master of Arts in Music Education and Performance from Ball State University. Mr. Becker has been teaching instrumental music for forty-nine years. He was a high school band director for 34 years. In 2002, he retired as the Director of Bands for Warsaw Community Schools, a position he held for seventeen years. He is now in his fifteenth year as the director of the Lake Area Community Band. In addition, he currently directs the Grace College Community Wind Ensemble and the Warsaw Optimist Singers.
He plays trumpet with the Truth in Jazz Big Band from Elkhart and with the Symphony of the Lakes, under the auspices of the Wagon Wheel Center for the Arts in Warsaw, Indiana. In addition to his playing and conducting, Mr. Becker serves as an adjudicator for Indiana State School Music Association. He is a Tour Director for Music Travel Consultants and has traveled extensively with music ensembles throughout the United States and Europe. He has served as Associate Conductor of the Indiana Ambassadors of Music Symphonic Band for the past twenty years.
Mr. Becker holds membership with the Indiana Bandmasters Association, National Band Association, Indiana Music Educators, Phi Mu Alpha, Phi Beta Mu, International Trumpet Guild and the Warsaw Morning Optimists Club. Twice he has served as president of the Indiana State School Music Association and the Indiana Bandmaster’s Association. He has received the Indiana Music Educator’s Distinguished Music Educator award. In 1994, he was awarded the Phi Beta Mu Indiana Outstanding Bandmaster award at the All State Band weekend. In 2002, the Ball State University Music Department presented him an Outstanding Alumni award. In 2009, he was elected to the Indiana Band Director Hall of Fame. In 2015, he was recognized by Peer Music Educators from Illinois, Michigan and Indiana and was awarded Michiana Outstanding Music Educator, sponsored by Quinlan and Fabish Music Company.c
Next Week’s Program – Emily Farley
Your positive quote – “If you see someone without a smile today, give em yours”