Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, September 4, 2019

Don Reinholt, Joe Wilkie
Joel Wiehbrink, Luke Becknell, Joey Hickerson

Rob Bishop Presiding

Greeters – Don Reinholt, Joe Wilkie

Birthdays – Joey Hickerson, Nick Deeter, Davis Illingworth, Luke Becknell, Everett Nifong, Joel Wihebrink,Rich Haddad

Guests – Tom Kirney, Anna Jackson


    *Golf Outing – Monday, September 9, 2019 – Everything is set, pray for good weather

    *Fall Displays – Approximately 125 are sold, Octagon Club is helping with sales.

50 – 50 – $47.50 Andy Swihart 

Sergeants – President Rob was fined for beginning the meeting 1 minute late. We also learned about the WWE and the history of Dick the Bruiser. Happy dollars were given for various personal celebrations.

Program – Anna Jackson. Warsaw Public Library.

Contrary to popular opinion library attendance is up over the past ten years. Library’s are not just a repository for books.  It is a meeting place, a place to participate in various seminars.  Summer reading during 2019 was successful as the library offered a program on the solar system that encouraged children to explore the wonders of outer space.

Free wi-fi is provided to the public, even in the parking lot. Various community groups use the library meeting spaces.  Escape rooms and video gaming is also offered at the library.

Work One is using the library computer lab to teach computer skills to those seeking to improve their job skills. 


Anna Jackson,
Warsaw Public Library