Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, September 30, 2020

Outgoing President, Pam Galloway highlighted the members and activities of the club for the 2019-20 club year.

Presiding – Pam Galloway

Greeter – Layne Sumner

Attendance – 51 in person, 14 via Zoom

Invocation – Bill Landrigan

Guests – Kevin Mc Clintrock, Eden Farwell, Davi Crisi

Announcements – Fall Display thank yous were given out. Sales exceeded $16,000.00 due to the hard work of over 40 club members. Over 180 Fall Displays were delivered and set up at residences and businesses in Kosciusko County.

50/50  Kris Farwell – $32 to Shari Benyousky

Membership – Dave Crisi, Sponsor, Kris Williams 3rd reading

Gina Voelz
Dave Turner
Carol Presley-Ousley

Thank you for mission accomplished – Pam thanked various people for their contributions to the club. Also highlighted were the grants that the club

Reading of Past President John Elliott’s document – A story was read that highlighted the struggles of some members of a particular group of people in South Bend.

Jennifer Doorman and Austin Donovan were recognized as Secretary and Treasurer for the club.
Sally Scott was Optimist of the Month
Ot Schroeder and Al Grossnickle were the Program Chairs for the year
Austin Donovan was named the Optimist of the Year
The sergeants were given a sash to remember their year of harassing our members.
Jurgen Voss conducted the swearing in of the new offficers.

Awards – Various officers were recognized for their work supporting the club.

*Optimist of the Month – Sally Scott

*Rookie of the year – Todd Davis

*Optimist of the Year – Austin Donovan

*Pillar of the Community – Joe Willkie

Swearing in of Officers – Juergen Voss

Program next week – Kicking off the new year,

Optimistic quote – “Don’t just say you’re an Optimist, LIVE IT!” ~ Pam Galloway