Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, September 30, 2020
Presiding – Pam Galloway
Greeter – Layne Sumner
Attendance – 51 in person, 14 via Zoom
Invocation – Bill Landrigan
Guests – Kevin Mc Clintrock, Eden Farwell, Davi Crisi
Announcements – Fall Display thank yous were given out. Sales exceeded $16,000.00 due to the hard work of over 40 club members. Over 180 Fall Displays were delivered and set up at residences and businesses in Kosciusko County.
50/50 Kris Farwell – $32 to Shari Benyousky
Membership – Dave Crisi, Sponsor, Kris Williams 3rd reading
Birthdays –
Gina Voelz
Dave Turner
Carol Presley-Ousley
Thank you for mission accomplished – Pam thanked various people for their contributions to the club. Also highlighted were the grants that the club
Reading of Past President John Elliott’s document – A story was read that highlighted the struggles of some members of a particular group of people in South Bend.
Awards – Various officers were recognized for their work supporting the club.
*Optimist of the Month – Sally Scott
*Rookie of the year – Todd Davis
*Optimist of the Year – Austin Donovan
*Pillar of the Community – Joe Willkie
Swearing in of Officers – Juergen Voss
Program next week – Kicking off the new year,
Optimistic quote – “Don’t just say you’re an Optimist, LIVE IT!” ~ Pam Galloway