Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, September 29, 2021

David Haines was honored with the
“Pillar of the Community” award
Today was outgoing president Mitch Goon’s last meeting as president.
Ron Donkers told an “Oli” story.

Presiding – Mitch Goon

Attendance – 67

Sergeant’s At Arms – Five Questions, were asked of outgoing President, Mitch Goon

Invocation –  Dave Benning

Greeter – John Kirkpatrick

Guests – Karen Erba, Brian Pyle

Announcements – Fall Displays Recap – Update 208 displays sold, clean up Goat Barn,

9 am Saturday, October 2nd

Happy Birthday to Dave Turner!

Birthdays – Dave Turner 9/28        

Program – Year end Awards and Recognitions

Lester Pierce – Rookie of the Year

Incoming officers were inducted by Ron Donkers
Rick Swaim was named “Optimist of the Year”

Installation of Officers – Ron Donkers

 Officer lists for the coming year:

President:                    Jim Smith

President-Elect:          Chris Plack

Immed Past Pres:       Mitch Goon

VP:                              John Kirkpatrick

VP:                              Daren Maierle

Sec:                             Jennifer Dorman

Treas:                          Austin Donovan

Board members:

(10/1/19 to 9/30/22)

Charlie Wagner

Rick Swaim

Jason Gergely

Everett Nifong

(10/1/20 to 9/30/23)

Andy Swihart

Paula Deming

Shari Benyousky

Paul Finley

(10/1/21 to 9/30/24)

Art Gakstatter

Scott Clay

Tom Tearney

Brad Voelz

Positive Message – “In order to write about life first you must live it.”– Ernest Hemingway

Perfect Attendance Report
Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club

Name Years Perfect Attendance
Chambers, Ron 55
Haines, David 48
Elliott, John 46
Hollar, Charles 45
Voss, Juergen 42
Turner, David 40
Reinholt, Don 38
Andrews, Dennis 32
Donkers, Ronald 32
Paton, George 32
Anderson, Ken 30
Becker, Martin 29
Gakstatter, Albert 26
Hollar, Steven 25
Landrigan, William 24
Becknell, Luke 22
Burtoft, John 22
Gigous, Harry 21
Schroeder, Othmar 21
Hayes, James 20
Brennan, George 19
Dorman, Jennifer 18
Weaver, Kevin 16
Reeve, Jim 15
Tom, Angie 15
Whitaker, Sam 15
Hamstra, Brooke 14
Hansen, Trace 14
Clevenger, Jerry 13
Goon, Mitchell 13
Teevan, John 13
Nifong, Everett 12
Sweet, Ann 10
Tanner, Gary 10
Thallemer, Joe 10
Swihart, Andrew 9
Voelz, Gina 8
Grossnickle, Alan 7
Owens, Jeffrey 7
Kerlin, Rick 5
Kirkpatrick, John 5
Lucht, Alan 5
Lucht, Jenny 5
Wihebrink, Joel 5
Galloway, Pamela 4
Henry, Ron 4
Servies, Jeffrey 4
Sullivan, John 4
Swaim, Rick 4
Baumgardner, Doug 3
Benning, David 3
Ciriello, Anthony 3
Gergely, Jason 3
Smethers, Mickey 3
Wagner, Charles 3
Donovan, Austin 2
Farwell, Kristin 2
Maierle, Daren 2
McConnell, Travis 2
Plack, Chris 2
Benyousky, Shari 1
Bishop, Larry 1
Deming, Paula 1
Dukes, Kyle 1
Jackson, Robert 1
Kessler, James 1
Williams, Kristopher 1
Number of Members with Perfect Attendance: 67