Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, October 9, 2019
Presiding – Dr. Pam Galloway
Greeters – Travis McConnell & Mark Marley
Attendance – 80
Invocation – Dave Benning
Guests – Dave Koontz, Chris Sanchez, Kara McGrath, Patty Donkers, Shea Brennan, Carroll Chambers, Ryan Brennan
Sergeants – Sergeants harassed various members, happy dollars given for member celebrations.
Birthdays – Ot Schroeder, Mitch Goon
50 – 50 – $47.00 Winner Tim Hamman
Committees –
*Art In The Park – was successful last Saturday
*Spooktacular – October 25, need help setting up, sign up sheet next week
*Fall Displays – At least 184 displays have been delivered, over $16,000 in revenue, thanks for Mitch Goon for his hard work on this project
Membership – Karen McGrath, 2nd reading
Program – Dr. Ryan Brennan, Chief of Neurosurgery, Madigan Army Medical Center. Ryan told various stories of his journey from WCHS to Indiana University to I.U. Medical School, to Cleveland Clinic, currently serves in Tacoma, Washington. He served as the Head Neurosurgeon in Afghanistan.