Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, October 28, 2020

Presiding - Mitch Goon
Attendance - 53 in person, via Zoon
Invocation - Bob Jackson
Greeter - Rick Swaim Guests - Bill Cook, Don Parker, Holly McCammack & Jim Tague Announcements- *Spooktacular - Art Gakstatter 10/30 *Fall Display Pick ups - 11/14 or 11/21 - Rick Swaim *Noon Optimist Poinsettia sales - Bill Cook Contact Noon
Optimist for purchase details. Poinsettias will be delivered
November 25. 50/50 - Winner, Shannon Jenks - $31.00 Birthdays: *Harry Gigous 10/26, *Tracy Fitzgerald 10/26, *Gary Tanner 10/27, *Mike Hall 10/30, *Rick Kerlin 10/31
Program: McLittle Family Neighborhood Library - Holly
Holly shared the origins of the Little Family Libraries that
are popping up around the country. Anyone can build a
Little Free Library and place it in their yard. There is
a $65.00 registration fee with the national organization. Sergeants at Arms: Bob Jackson, Chris Plack and Jennifer Lucht
fined people for various bogus reasons. Next Weeks' Program: Kosciusko Chamber of Commerce - K Cash Positive Message: "You always pass failure on the way
to success!" Mickey Rooney