Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, October 27, 2021

Ann Sweet received a $400 check for Winona Lake Grace Brethren Church to provide masks
for local students

Presiding – Jim Smith

Attendance – 86

Invocation – Shannon Jenks

Greeters – Rick Kerlin and Art Gackstater

Guests – Mike Yocum, Deb Secur, Tim Yocum, Juanita, Amanda Sauder


  • Spooktakular October 29, Downtown Warsaw.
  • Fall Display pick up November 13, 8:30 am. Meet at WLM, North on State Road 15
  • Thank you to Tru Hilton for donating 15 rooms for Warsaw Breakfast Optimist out of town guest speakers to be used throughout the year

Check presentation – Sheri Benyousky will Ann Sweet with Winona Grace Brethren Church

Birthdays – Ann Myers (Oct 25th), Harry Gigous (Oct 26th), Tracy Fitzgerald ( Oct 26th) ,Gary Tanner (today, the 27th) and Mike Hall (Oct. 30th)

New member Karen Erba was inducted today, Sponsor Ann Sweet, Mitch Goon, past president presided the induction


Karen Erba will be inducted today by past President, Mitch Goon

50/50 – $52.50

Sergeants at Arms

Optimist Singers and Guests sand “The Old Rugged Cross”
Visiting Quartet was highlighted
Terry White was the pianist

Program – John Elliott will introduce our program and I believe at some point, our Optimist singers will be singing a song. Bob and Molly Shaffer, History of the “Old Rugged Cross” Church. The Old Rugged Cross Foundation, Inc. was formed for the purpose of saving and restoring the old church where the hymn made its public debut, and preserving the history of the hymn and its author. Once restored as closely as possible to its 1913 appearance, the church will serve as a museum, preserving the history of the hymn and the community. The museum will be useful for historical research and the sanctuary will be available to rent for weddings and special services

Next week’s Program – will be about the Racoon Run Subdivision development with Jeff Thomas and Brian Peterson

Your positive quote for the day is… It is never too late to be what you might have been- George Eliot