Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, October 21, 2020

Presiding – Mitch Goon
Attendance – 57 in person, 24 via Zoom
Greeter – Jeff Servies
Prayer – Bill Landrigan
50 – 50 winner – $31.00, Jason Matthews
Announcements –
Fall Display pick up will occur on either Saturday, November 14 @ 8:30 am or Saturday November 21 @ 8:30 am. Sign up now to help with this project.
Santa House – Darren Maierle announced that plans for Santa House are on track.
Spooktakular – will occur in downtown Warsaw on October 30, 2020.
Birthdays – Jim Walmer, Matt Tague & Tammy Keirn
Sergeants – Optimist dollars were offered for personal celebrations and various trivia questions were asked of members, incorrect answers resulted in $1.00 fines.
Program – Tim Salmons, Police Chief for the Pierceton, Indiana police department presented the new Cadet Police training program.
The project started in June 2019 and included multiple meetings with local school principals, students and parents. The Pierceton Police Cadets are juniors and seniors from all four high schools in the area: Whitko, Wawasee, Warsaw and Tippecanoe Valley, as well as one homeschool student from North Manchester.
There are twelve male and female students. Each cadet was vetted carefully by filling out a seven-page application requiring a GPA of 2.8 or higher. Background checks were completed on the students and parents. Each cadet passed an oral interview with the Pierceton Police Review Board and was approved by their building principal.
“This program is not for troubled youth,” said Sammons at the meeting. “It is for the student who is interested in law enforcement and the different aspects associated with law enforcement.”
Each month, a different police-related topic is presented to the students. A few of the topics include CSI, traffic accident investigation, paramedic service, fire service, death investigation, community policing, FBI Police K9, S.W.A.T. and Bomb Squad.
New Baker Youth Club Van was highlighted at the end of the meeting.