Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, October 20, 2021
Presiding – President, Jim Smith
Attendance – 74
Invocation – John Kirkpatrick
Greeters – Max Mock and Rick Swaim
Check presentation -Tammy Stackhouse with Magical Meadows
Announcements –
- Passing around the basket in honor of Jim Reeve in lieu of 50/50
- Fall Display Pick Ups will be @ 8:30 am on Saturday, November 13
Birthdays – Matt Tague (Oct 18) and Tammy Keirn (Oct 19)
Membership – Karen Erba 3rd reading with Tom Tearney
Sergeants at Arms – Sergeants harassed members with ‘Five Questions” about Dave Wolkins. Happy dollars were given for various personal “happiness” 🙂
Program – James Turnwald – Executive Director – Michiana Area Council of Governments, (MACOG). MACOG contributes to the advancement of the Region’s economic vitality, enhanced quality of life, strong sense of place, and expanded opportunities that attract and retain talented individuals and organizations to the Michiana Region.
MACOG is a voluntary organization of local governments that studies and attempts to resolve, for the benefit of each member and the region, areas of interlocal issues, which includes but is not limited to transportation, transit, economic development, environment, and other issues that impact the region.
Next week’s Program – Molly Shaffer with Old Rugged Cross Foundation
Your positive quote for the day is… Optimism is essential to achievement and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress….Nicholas M. Butler