Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, November 22, 2023

Joy Andrew presented today from “Kids Market”

Presiding – Charlie Wagner

Invocation – Glenn Hall

Attendance – 84

Greeter – Rick Kerlin & Art Gatstatter

Guest – Susie Wray

Happy Birthday to Austin Donovan, Ann Sweet, Lester Pierce

Birthdays – Austin Donovan, Ann Sweet & Lester Pierce


  • Santa House, need help to be Santa’s Helpers and a Santa or two
  • Fall Displays are now picked up, Thank you to everyone that helped
  • White Elephant gift exchange, December 27
$1,000 was donated to
Science Central

Check Presentation – $1,000 to Science Central

Kale Fahlringer had his First Reading

Membership – Induction and First Reading. Ken Shamblin was inducted by Chris Plack today. Kale Fahlringer had his first reading

John and Susan Armacost were interviewed for our Membership Moments
Ken Shamblin was inducted today
John and Susan Armacost were interviewed today for our “Membership Moments”

Membership Moments – John and Susan Armacost were interviewed by Brittany Lyon and Jim Smith. John and Susan were asked questions about their relationship.

50-50 – $41.50 to Rick Swaim

Sergeants – Thanksgiving questions were asked of unsuspecting members. $1.00’s were collected for incorrect answers.

Program – Amy Rowe introduced Joy Andrew from Kid’s Market. The purpose of Kids Market, Inc. is to support women and children in Kosciusko County by distributing proceeds generated from consignment sales of infant and children’s items to non-profit organizations in Kosciusko County which directly support these women and children.