Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, November 16, 2022

Presiding – Charlie Wagner
Invocation – John Teevan
Attendance – 84
Guests – The Ryan Burger family and Anita Kishan, Daniel King
Greeters – Max Mock & K.T. Kishan
Announcements –
- Santa House Santas are needed. Also Santa Helpers are needed to work with Santa
- Fall Displays were picked up last weekend, 30 more to be picked up this Saturday 1:00 pm @ Ot Schroeder’s State Farm Office.
- The Warsaw Noon Optimist Club is offering Poinsettia’s to be delivered on November 30
Membership – Nathan Harris had his 1st reading, Shawn Brown had his 2nd reading today toward membership

Sergeants – Jeff Owens harassed our members and K.T.
Program – K.T. Kishan shared his experiences organizing soccer camps in India. Agaitas was highlighted, the Agaitias mission statement is:
- We believe every child should have the opportunity to experience the fun, joy, camaraderie and challenges a sports camp has to offer no matter what their socioeconomic status might be.
Next Week’s Program – Launchpad