Warsaw Breakfast Optimist May 29, 2024
WBOC weekly Agenda 5/29/24
Ring Bell
Call to Order 7:00
Invocation -Chris Plack
Pledge of Allegiance
Optimist Creed
Optimist song
Ring Bell
Greeters- Ken Anderson & Susan Armacost
Guests – Deb Townsend
Birthdays – Tim Frame 23rd, Ron Chambers 23rd, Dr. Jason Rich 23rd, Brittany Lyon 24th, Andy Swihart 35th, Bill Landrigan 29th

Announcement – car show being rescheduled July sometime. Triathlon June 22nd, golf outing Sept 10th, reminder-Alpha dining hall June 26th, July 3rd, and July 10th.

Check presentation- Aquatic Team $990- Jeff Ticknor, $300 going to the Optimist club from The Papers, Inc. Camp Hero $1,500-Justin Smith.

Membership- induction, Kristin Huscher-Pahl

50/50- Susan Armacost won!
Sergeants- Know your neighbor, asked questions about Mentone

Program- Mentone Egg Festival, Rita Price intro by Amy

Did you know— One single teaspoon of honey represents the life work of 12 bees
Next week’s program-Public Safety, Kevin DeGraff