Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, May 26, 2021

Presiding – Mitch Goon
Attendance – 70
Invocation – John Teevan
Greeter – George Brennan
Guests – Herb Duncan, Daren Maierle; Patrick Olson, Rick Kerlin; David Lee, David Haines; Judy Servies, Jeff Servies
Announcements –
- Triathlon – June 26th – Paula Demin, Triathlon T-Shirts – Adam Heckaman
- Warsaw’s First Friday, June 4th, during the veterans recognition program, we are looking for pairs of people (parent /child, grand parents/grand child (8 yrs & over) to paint the backdrop for a huge 26×11 mural. No talent required, as long as you can use a roller inside the lines. You must register with Paula to participate. See below.
- There will be a dress rehearsal the week before and you will need to be at the event at 6pm for final instructions. Painters will work from 6:30 – 7:30 pm, while the lakes area band performs. Please give Paula Bowman a text or call at 574-376-0233 if interested. 15 pairs are needed. Thank you!
- Pay 1st & 2nd quarter dues – mail to: PO Box 344, Warsaw, IN 46581 or see Austin Donovan
- Veterans – email your Service photo and a current photo to Alan Lucht for our Veteran’s Day program (ajlucht68@yahoo.com or call 574-527-1060 for questions)
Birthdays – Ron Chambers 5/23, Jason Rich 5/23, Brittany Lyon 5/24, Andy Swihart 5/25, Bill Landrigan 5/29, Dave Crisi 5/30
Membership – 2nd Reading Herb Duncan (Sponsor Daren Maierle) 2nd Reading Patrick Olson (Sponsor Rick Kerlin), 2nd Reading David Lee (Sponsor David Haines)
50/50 – $55 to Miranda Hale
Sergeants at Arms – Chris Plack and Jennifer Lucht harassed various members for trumped up reasons.
Program – The Optimist Singers Memorial Day Program
Next Week’s Program – Teen Court – Brad Voelz
Positive Message – “You’ve gotta dance like there’s nobody watching, love like you’ll never be hurt, sing like there’s nobody listening, and live like it’s heaven on earth.” ― William W. Purkey