Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, May 24, 2023

Presiding – Chris Plack
Attendance – 78
Greeters – Todd Davis & Josh Sibert
Invocation – Steve Hollar
Announcements –
- Dues – are due each quarter, $110.
- Car Show – is completed! Brent Mock made a report, there were 153 cars registered
- Triathlon – We have 150 registrants at this time, more than double the registrations from last year, need sponsors, sponsorships range from $200 to $5,000
- Ron Chambers suggested that members might want to visit a couple of members that cannot make it to the meetings

Birthdays – Ron Donkers, Ron Chambers, Andy Swihart

Membership – Dawn Wilkinson had her first reading
50-50 – $29 to Bill Landrigan
Sergeants – Susan Armacost was our intern for the day. Gardening questions were asked and answered, Travis McConnell’s table was fined $1.00 each
Program – Ben Snider introduced Cheryl Stalter who began the Boomerang Backpack program for Warsaw Community Schools. This program provides food for the weekend for students that do not have enough food in their homes.