Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, May 20, 2020
Presiding – Pam Galloway
Attendance – 75
Invocation – Steve Hollar
Greeter – Rob Bishop
Guests – Kelly Thompson, Becky Mahoney
Announcements –
- Meeting in Shrine Building next week with modifications. A boxed breakfast will be provided.
- There was an Optimist Indiana North District meeting last weekend.
Sergeants – Joel Whiebrink fined various members for haircuts and Jeff Owens for muting everyone on Zoom
Trace Hansen
Karen Kauffman
Layne Sumner
Kelly Thompson, Whitewater Community Services, North Webster – Kelly has worked with young people in our area to help in suicide prevention. Kelly shared a message that God, through Jesus Christ has hope for all of us. She shared stories of how young people that struggle with life received help and hope.
Stories about the Fallen. Pam asked members to share stories about family members that died in the “line of Duty”. She shared a poem about those that have lost their lives in defense of our country.
Program next week:
Update from the Statehouse by State Rep Dave Wolkins
Optimistic quote –
“Leaders need to be optimists. Their vision is beyond the present.”
Rudy Giuliani