Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, May 11, 2022
Presiding – Jim Smith
Attendance – 60
Invocation – Bill Landrigan
Greeters – Ot Schroeder & John Teevan
Announcements –
- A crew from Warsaw Breakfast Optimist worked at the Habitat house last Saturday
- Car Show, Sunday, May 15, still need some help
- May 21, Fat & Skinny Tire Festival, Optimist is hosting a “snack stop” along the bike route @ Silver Lake
- Board Election Results:
- President Elect –
- Charlie Wagner
- Vice President
- Daren Majerle
- John Kirkpatrick
- Board of Directors
- Rick Kerlin
- Heather Lardino
- Kyrie’ Maierle
- Evert Nifong
Birthdays – Vicky Lootens, Don Reinholt, Jennifer Dorman
Membership – Brooke Hamstra introduced Ben Snyder for his 3rd reading
50/50 – $31.50 to David Haines
Sergeants at Arms – Members were fined for wearing bright colors, $1 were given for various personal celebrations
Our speaker – Alan Lucht introduced Joel Miller, Essenhaus. Joel shared the story of the Essenhaus Thursday Night “Cruise In”.
Link to the Cruise In Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QYUcpMHjp-k
Whether you are a classic car owner or a car enthusiast this event is for you! We invite you to join us for our 2022 Cruise-Ins on Thursday evenings from 4:30pm-8:00pm, May 5 through September 29. Registering your classic car is completely free and includes coupons to the Essenhaus Restaurant and the Essenhaus Village Shops. Enjoy strolling through the vintage vehicles and comparing makes, models, and memories at this free event!
The history of the Essenhaus is a story of growth, commitment, and genuine hospitality. In 1970, Bob and Sue Miller moved west from Sugarcreek, Ohio to Middlebury, Indiana. After arriving in Middlebury, the Miller’s purchased property on U.S. 20. The property contained a small 24-hour truck stop known as Everett’s Highway Inn. After a week of minor repairs and cleaning, they reopened January 4, 1971, as an Amish-style restaurant complete with Amish and Mennonite cooks and waitstaff.
Next Week’s Program –
Positive quote for the day – “Today is the opportunity to build the tomorrow you want”