Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, March 8, 2023

Presiding – Chris Plack
Attendance – 105
Greeters – Dave Taylor & Tammy Smith
Invocation – Pam Galloway
Guests – Steve Foegley

Students of the Week – We honored the following Warsaw Community High School Students of the week:
Mattix Garrett , Kyle Dille, Meleyna Howett, Emma Ferguson, Scarlett Shaffer, Keely Roe, Kelsey Holland, Marisol Cervantes, Amberlee Busz, Taylor Myers, Colton Martin, Icker Salazar, Ben Reust, Alyssa Owens, Daniel Alonso, & Perales-Favela
Announcements –
- Quiz Bowl – March 14, 2023, WCHS
- We need people to sign up to pray @ the opening of the club meetings
- Triathlon – June 24, 2023, we currently have 40 signees, looking toward 300!
Birthdays – Amy Rowe
Membership – Bob Rich & Brad Johnson had their 2nd reading today
50-50 – $47 to David Haines
Sergeants – Corey Benz was our sergeant’s intern for the day. Scott Reust was asked “Five Questions” about
Lynyrd Skynyrd.
Program –
Wende Roberts, owner of Alzheimer’s Home Therapy. Listed below are some of the services provided by Alzheimer’s Home Therapy.
Home Safety
Placement in a long-term care facility often results from an individual’s inability to live safely in their home. As a person’s dementia progresses, their ability to self-preserve lessens, leaving them unable to protect themselves from harm. Thankfully, most times, making minimal changes to one’s living environment can ensure that one remains at home safely. For example, eliminating sources of overstimulation, like over-illumination, can help prevent troublesome behaviors. While installing alarms on windows and doors will alert the caregiver if the individual wanders. To help our clients live at home risk-free, we offer in-home safety assessments, where we identify sources of immediate and potential hazards. We’ll inspect every room in your home and property and recommend changes.
Caregiver Training
Caring for a loved one with dementia can significantly affect one’s physical and mental well-being due to the constant stressors that they face. To ease the burden, caregivers must possess the skills necessary to address the obstacles that caring for someone with dementia presents. Not only will these skills protect their health, but they’ll also help them provide the best possible care. Unfortunately, most training, including those that the Alzheimer’s Association offers, teaches only the fundamentals of care. Our two-hour training, Beyond the Basics, addresses the most challenging aspects of care, including communication, motivation, and symptom management. We’ll ensure that your caregiving experience is much less stressful, allowing you to enjoy your time with your loved one.
Thought of the Week – An Optimist sees a problem and sees and opportunity, a pesimest sees an opportunity and sees a problem!