Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, March 4, 2020

Lakeland Christian Academy Students of the Week

Presiding – Pam Galloway

Greeters – Randy and Rachel Polston

Invocation – Ot Schroeder

Attendance – 104

Guests – Genevieve Goldsmith, Braxton Goldsmith, Patte Goldsmith, Rebecca Monsma, Matthew/Kim/Faith Rogers, Brayden Lane, Angella Stichter, Tung Chit Cheung, Bauer/Torey/Julie Keely

50-50 – Winner Gary Tanner $49.00

Recognition of Students of the Week from Lakeland Christian Academy (LCA) – Various students from LCA were recognized for their outstanding performance.

Sergeants – Members and visitors were harassed for various trumped up charges.

Program – Allyn Decker, Kosciusko Leadership Academy.  Since 1982, the Kosciusko Leadership Academy has invested in the emerging leaders of our community; people who possess a passion to serve and the courage to lead others.  KLA conducts sessions each year that give students access to the frontline leaders in our community. Critical community issues such as County and State Government, Health Care, Education, Agriculture, Business and Entrepreneurship are thoroughly discussed and examined.  The KLA experience culminates with a White Paper Project. Students form teams and research relevant community issues and needs. Class members propose workable solutions in a forum of peers and community leaders. 

KLA’s vision is to develop innovative leaders equipped to tackle the future challenges of our community.  Some 30 years and over 500 graduates after we started, that vision burns brighter than ever.


Allyn Decker, Moderator, Kosciusko Leadership Academy

Membership – 1st reading Tung Chit Cheung

Optimist of the Month – Sherri Benyouski.


  • Optimist Triathlon, June 27, 2020. 
  • Car show sponsorship opportunities were announced and made available.

Next Week’s Program – NCCAA Basketball tournament, Chad Briscoe

Optimist of the Month, Sheri Benyouski