Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, March 16, 2022
Presiding – Jim Smith
Attendance – 100
Greeters – Luke Becknell and Alan Tio
Guests – Erin Serafino, Max Soliday, Julio Reyes, Bryce Hardesty
Announcements –
- Oratorical contest, March 27, 2022
- Car Show, May 15, 2022 Members that would like to be sponsor can sign up now
- Three Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Quiz Bowl Teams had a great time last evening @ WCHS.
Troy Akers and Student of the Week – Joella Smith introduced the Edgewood students of the Week
Birthdays – Jane Wear (13th), Charlie Wagner (16th), Randy Polston (16th) and Brad Voelz (19th)
Membership – Julio Reyes had his first reading.
Sergeants at Arms – Quiz Bowl members were recognized and fined $1.00 for various bogus charges.
Program – Beth Cripe and Greg Myers with Chore Time Brock Building for the future of Chore-Time Brock.
“We have a long-standing heritage of commitment to excellence, leadership and innovation. These are attributes that have served us well through more than 65 years of growth, and will continue to serve us in the future in our ongoing development of more effective and efficient ways to help feed a hungry world.”
The world population is growing, and the amount of farmland per capita is shrinking. All the while the demand for higher-protein food sources is increasing rapidly. To meet these challenges, we need to develop new technologies to help agricultural producers and processors become more efficient while maintaining a safe, sustainable, affordable and abundant global food supply.
But our challenge does not end with the food supply chain. As the population grows, biofuel and other industrial uses for agricultural and related products will increase in demand.
Next Week’s Program – Joe Hale with the Indianapolis Motor Speedway
Your positive quote for the day – “Make today awesome, yesterday gets jealous”