Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, March 15, 2023

Lynn MacKaben Brown, Author
was our speaker today

Presiding – Chris Plack

Invocation – Bill Landrigan

Greeters – Amy Rowe & Jim Smith

Guests – Harrison Elementary School Chess Club visited, their sponsor, Katie Maile and students: Benjamin Maile, Beckett Mail, Dean Hamstra, & Logan Hamstra.

Shared a little bit about the Chess Club and invited all members of the Optimist Club to join them to play Chess on Friday, March 24th from 8am until 8:45 am at the Harrison Elementary School (1300 Husky Trail Warsaw, IN 46580). Park in the front and bring your drivers license and be ready to play with the students. They are wanting extra practice before the Chess Tournament on Saturday, March 25th.

Check Presentation – $2,000 to Launchpad, this organization seeks to strengthen the climate of early learning in Kosciusko County by focusing on the most recent research for children, birth to age five, and meeting the needs of our youngest citizens.

Warsaw High School Students of the Week – The following students were honored and recognized for their achievements:

Brenna Thompson, Alyssa Swanson,Kiersten Gagnon, Isabelle Hermann, Molly Kissling, Aby Ererenmann, Jobe Holderread (not included in photo), Tessa Graney, Ethan Betances, Zoey YOung, Ethan Dorman, Colton Stahl, Hannah Bradford

Membership – Paul Finley introduced Brad Johnson and Bob Rich to share their 3rd reading with club members.

Birthdays – Charlie Wagner, Randy Polston & Amy Rowe

The Optimist Singers regaled us in song today!

Optimist Singers – In honor of Saint Patrick’s Day sang two songs, My Wild Irish Rose and Evaline

Christmas book authored by Lynn MacKaben Brown

Program – Lynn MacKaben Brown was our speaker today, here is her bio:

Lynn MacKaben Brown loved working in her parents’ bookstore. While attending the bookseller conventions, she enjoyed talking with authors. Later, she used this skill to write a cover story interview for Christian Communicator magazine.

During nursing school, Lynn wrote an article for RN magazine and, later, an article for Moody Monthly. As an assistant professor of nursing, Lynn wrote original teaching curricula.

The library drew her irresistibly back into the world of books, emplying her in the Circulation, Research, and Public Relations departments.

Lynn is a member of the Historical Novel Society and Kosciusko County (Indiana) Historical Society. Her weekly column “Kids’ Corner featured insights on history and appeared for three years in SEG-Way News. She also is a Toastmaster and has written for its international magazine. She enjoys presenting her county history as an historical impersonator.