Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, June 24, 2020
Presiding – Pam Galloway
Attendance – In person, 40; Via Zoom 24
Invocation – Rick Swaim
Greeter – Ron Chambers
Guests – Greg Valezequez, Bill McCarrick
Announcements –
- Election – Jim Smith, President Elect; Brittany Lyon, & Chris Plack Vice President,
- New Board Members – Andy Swihart, Paula Deming, Sherry Benyousky, Jim Smith, Paul Finley
Program – Update on Warsaw Airport, Nick King, Airport Manager
The Warsaw Municipal Airport is located one mile north of Warsaw, Indiana.
The Airport offers two mile-long runways, courtesy cars, and safety features as found at larger airports. With the installation of an Instrument Landing System (ILS) in 1994, all categories of aircraft can conduct instrument landings at the Warsaw Airport with weather minimums of a 200-foot ceiling and 3/4-mile visibility. The ILS provides better and safer access to Warsaw and is an economic development attraction for future businesses wishing to locate to or expand within our community.
Nick related the need for expansion of the runway to the East and the lowering of the power lines that are adjacent to the runway. There are planes that cannot land in poor weather due to the length of the current runway.
Check Presentation – $500, to Lake City Skiers, Jurgeon Voss.
Membership – 1st reading, Bill McCarrick, Sponsor, Ron Donkers; & Greg Velazquez Sponsor, Travis McConnell
Birthdays – Matt Teevan, Kevin Harter
Sergeants – Members were charged $1.00 for bogus reasons
Program next week – Jay County Antique Gas Engine and Tractor Show
Optimistic quote – ” We must return Optimism to our parenting. To focus on the joys, not the hassles; the love, not the disappointments; the commonsense, not the complexities.” Fred. G. Gosman
Have an optimistic week!