Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, July 8, 2020

Pam Galloway – Presiding
Attendance – 42 in person, 20 Via Zoom
Invocation – Ot Schroeder
Greeter – Sally Scott
Guests – Judy Becker
Golf Outing – There are currently 10 foursomes signed up, there is room for 22.
Prom – Currently 80 signed up for the prom. Need help for the event this Sunday night.
Program –
Jason Nichols, Crazy Egg and Creighton Brothers.
An idea and the courage to venture into a new business set the stage in 1925 for what has become a successful family agri-business many generations later.
With 38 acres on the old Creighton homestead, brothers Hobart and Russell Creighton rebuilt a failed, empty hog house to begin their careers in the poultry business. They staked their family’s future on the production of 1200 pullets on 38 acres. Within 10 years, Hobart and Russell had developed the highest rated Leghorn strain of egg laying hens east of the Mississippi River. Also, they were well on their way to being a large part of the area’s notoriety as the “Egg Basket of the Midwest.” Nearly a century later, their foundation of dedication and sacrifice is the tradition that continues to guide the company today. Currently Creighton Brothers has 3 Million layers on 10,000 acres and 275+ employees. Selling over 2 million eggs a day, 1 billion eggs each year. There 330 million birds in the USA.
Membership –
Bill McCarrick third reading, – Sponsor, Ron Donkers; Greg Velazquez, third reading – Sponsor, Travis McConnell
Birthdays –
Angie Tom
John Burtoft
Sergeants – Various fines were levied for trumped up reasons.
Program next week –
Dr. Bill Katip, Grace College Update
Optimistic Quote –
”If you want something You’ve never had, you must be willing To do something you’ve never done.”