Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, July 6, 2022
Presiding – Jim Smith
Attendance – 66
Invocation – Chris Plack
Greeters – John Teevan and Gina Volez
Guests – Chad Goon, Patty Donkers
Announcements –
- Habitat help – July 16, 8-12
- Crazy Egg next week also
Birthdays – Angie Tom (4th), John Burtoft (6th) and Cory Benz (9th)
Sergeants at Arms – Members were fined for talking at inappropriate times.
Our speaker – Eric Seaman with Honeywell Foundation – introduced by Daren Mierle.
The Honeywell Foundation, Inc. will be the vibrant, fresh, and consistently relevant cultural hub of Wabash and the north central region of Indiana. With its world-class performing arts programming, innovative and expansive educational outreach, and attractive and well-maintained facilities, the Foundation will make a highly visible and sustained contribution to the overall betterment of the community, while also making the city of Wabash a destination point for visitors from all regions of the United States, and beyond. While the Honeywell Foundation, Inc. will remain the chief cornerstone of the greater Wabash community, it will enjoy a prestigious, national reputation for excellence and positive community influence.
The work of the Honeywell Foundation, Inc. will literally change the lives of those it touches. Leveraging fully its various venues, Foundation programming will provide value for all generations. Both program attendance and guest satisfaction will increase steadily, adding to the financial success of Foundation operations and permitting enhanced programming flexibility. Donors will be well informed of the positive impact of their contributions, resulting in both a deepening and a broadening of the donor base.
The success of the Honeywell Foundation, Inc. will play an increasingly larger role in making Wabash a place that enhances the livability of the region. The educational and cultural enrichment provided by the Foundation will be a magnet for employers who seek to offer both current and prospective employees compelling reasons to live, work and stay in Wabash. Corporate engagement will grow both through use of the Foundation’s services and contributions to its future successes.
For those who are enthusiastically aligned with its mission, the Honeywell Foundation, Inc. will be a model employer. Its reputation will be that of a dynamic, effectively led organization, where employees have the opportunity to do exciting work in a culture marked by team spirit and a contagious pride in programs and services offered. Opportunities for career development will coincide with the growth of the Foundation’s reach and the ever-increasing quality and impact of its work, constantly fueling high levels of employee engagement and creative output.
Next Week’s Program – David Wilkinson, with the Town of Syracuse
Positive quote – “You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind”