Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, July 27, 2022
Presiding – Tony Cirello
Attendance – 60
Invocation – Charlie Wagner
Greeter – Jeff Owens
Announcements –
- Golf Tournament upcoming in September 20
- Optimist Singers back in action next week
Birthdays – Kris Farwell (24th), Jeff Owens (26th), Marty Becker (today the 27th) and Kyle Dukes (29th)
50/50 – $43 to Jurgen Voss
Sergeants at Arms – Mike Hall and Dave Wolkins graced us with their presence and were fined for showing up.
Program – Evan Hill, Stewardship Director, with Acres Land Trust will be introduced by Mike Hall. ACRES Land Trust is a member-supported nonprofit organization dedicated to protecting land in northeast Indiana and portions of southern Michigan and northwest Ohio.
Incorporated on March 2, 1960, ACRES is Indiana’s oldest and largest local land trust. Our 12 founders became the first ACRES members, each contributing $5 to protect local land. Today, our members and volunteers continue to sustain that mission.
Together with our members, ACRES takes action to acquire, preserve and restore land, protecting our region’s natural areas and working lands.
We preserve forests, wetlands, native grasslands, unique geologic formations and habitat for plants and animals including rare, threatened and endangered species. ACRES also protects farmland, managed forests and property for other uses.
Our work is carried out under board members who govern the organization, providing oversight and strategic direction. Eight full-time staff members ensure the protection of this land every day.
Next Week’s Program – will be Chief Jeremy Likens with Tippecanoe Township Fire Department.
Positive quote – “It makes a big difference in your life when you stay positive”.