Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, July 26, 2023

Mike Cusick and Nate Lothamer Kosciusko County Velo Club, were our speakers today

Presiding – Chris Plack

Attendance – 60

Invocation – Shannon Jenks

Greeters – Jerry Clevenger & Joel Wihebrink

Guests – Jeff Ticknor, Ryan Swihart, Eden Farwell

$990.00 donation to Warsaw Aquatic Club

Check Presentation – $990.00 was presented to the Warsaw Aquatic Club

Announcements –

  • Fall Displays will be starting in 30 days!
  • Golf Outing – September 12, 2023, need hole watchers for hole in one
  • District Optimist meeting in Warsaw/Winona Lake, August 18-19, 2023.
Happy Birthday to Kris Fawell and Marty Becker

Birthdays – Kris Farwell & Marty Becker

50/50 – $29 to Jerry Clevenger

K.T. Kishan was our Sergeant’s Intern today.

Sergeants – Dr. K.T. Kishan was our intern for the day, he asked medical questions of members.

Program – Mike & Nate Lothamer from Kosciusko County Velo Club presented today were our speakers today, Kosciusko County Velo (KCV Cycling) began in early 2003 and strives to develop and promote healthy lifestyle opportunities in and for our community through bicycling.

KCV’s mission of helping to make our community a better place to live, work and play will be accomplished through:

  • Community awareness (education for, access to, and promotion of cycling)
  • Healthy opportunities (through friendships, competitions, events, rides and commuting)
  • Mutual partnerships (with community leaders, businesses, and the cycling industry)
  • Off-road trails and (future bike park) (access to regionally recognized trail system and skills development

KCV is an open participation, non-membership, volunteer organization.  KCV Cycling currently develops, promotes and oversees several events, activities, local trail maintenance and usage of the Old Chicago Boys Club Winona Lake off-road trails.  If you have any questions about KCV Cycling, feel free to contact us.