Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, July 22, 2020
Presiding – Pam Galloway
Attendance – 39 in person, 25 via zoom
Invocation – Bill Landrigran
Greeter – Charlie Wagner
Guests – Angela Hugo & Chantelle Droun
Announcements – Golf outing coming up in September
50/50 – $27 to David Haines
Program – Tobacco Free Coalition, Heidi Blake. Our mission is to improve the health of Hoosiers in Kosciusko County and reduce the disease and economic burden that tobacco use can place on Kosciusko County residents of all ages. One focus of the group is to help youth avoid and quit smoking. There is also a program to reduce prenatal smoking. The companies that produce “E-Cigarettes” or Vaping are experiencing more regulation, however Vaping is very popular, especially among the youth.
Membership – Angie Hugo First Reading, Sponsor, Pam Galloway;
Induction of Greg Velazquez, Sponsor, Travis McConnell
Birthdays – Jason Gergely
Sergeants – Members were charged a dollar for various reasons, happy dollars were given for member celebrations.
Program next week – Aiming Toward College LLC-Arturo Fonseca
Optimistic quote – “The measure of mental health is the disposition to find good everywhere.” Ralph Waldo Emerson