Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, January 13, 2021

Our program was Wes Gensch, Founder of “Cool Corp”
Happy Birthday to Jurgen Voss

Presiding – Mitch Goon

Attendance – Zoom & In Person – 53

Invocation – Aaron Klein

Guest – Brandon Stewart

Greeter – Marty Becker


  • In Memoriam Basket– Judge David Cates
  • TriStar Basketball Canceled due to Covid
  • Nelson Golden Glo Fundraiser – May 1st JB’S Furniture
  • Essay/Oratorical Contests Shari & Jeff

Birthdays – Joy Lavender, January 10, Aaron Black January 11; Jurgen Voss, January 12; Bill Lawrence, January 15

50/50 – Trace Hansen  – $20

Program – Wes Gensch – CoolCorp, With over 150 million musculoskeletal injuries and surgical orthopedic repairs, cryotherapy (or cold therapy) stands as the most common form of treatment prescribed for athletic injury trauma and post-operative patients. CoolCorp Inc. is a S-Corporation offering unique and mobile cryotherapy compression products to address this need. Contrary to currently available products, CoolCorp gives the advantage to the consumer by providing personalized air compression along with the unique approach of incorporating a 360-degree cryotherapy technique to fully address the injured area. With built in safety features, CoolCorp products can be sold within hospitals and other physician networks. With the ease of use and convenience of icing, our patient compliance has shown to be higher while producing better results than anticipated.

Sergeants at Arms – Joel Whibrink and Jeff Owens filled in for our absent  sergeants.

Next Week Program – Kosciusko County Farm Bureau – Ryan Martin

Positive Message – “Whatever you do in life, surround yourself with smart people who will argue with you.” John Wooden