Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, January 12, 2022
Presiding – Jim Smith
Attendance – 54
Invocation – David Haines
Greeter – Travis McConnell
Announcements – Optimist Essay will be offered to those that are under 19 years old “How does an optimistic mindset change my tomorrow”. Speech contest is upcoming as upcoming as well with the “Staying Optimistic in challenging times” as the topic.

Birthdays – Aaron Black ( 11th), Juergen Voss ( today the 12th), and Jon Vida (15th)
50/50 – $30.50 to George Brennan
Sergeants at Arms – Happy Dollars were given

Today’s speaker is – Katherine Anders, WCHS Speech Team. Katherine had various members of the Speech Team share speeches. Kylah Cook, Var Bobba, Grace Ganser and Jessica Pogue presented their speeches.
Next week’s Program – Will be Elaine Bedel speaking about the Indiana destination development mission
Your positive quote for the day -“Happiness is a journey, not a destination”- Buddha