Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, December 8, 2021

Jeremy Mullins & Meghan Smith presented the needs of the Winona Lake Limitless Park

Invocation – Lane Sumner

Greeters – Rick Swaim and Todd Davis


  • White Elephant auction- Bill L.
  • Charlie Wagner on end-of-year banquet
Happy Birthday to Rick Swaim, Jim Hayes and George Brennan

Birthdays – Jim Hayes (Dec. 5th), Rick Swaim (Dec 5th), Ryan Fischer (Dec 7th) and George Brennan (Dec 11th)

Membership – Paul

50/50 – $41.50 to Tim Frame

Ron Donkers told a Sven and Ollie story or two today

Sergeants at Arms – Five questions were asked of various members, fines were administered for bogus reasons.

Brooke Hamstra asked “Five Questions” of various Optimist members

Program – Winona Lake Limitless Park. The splashpad and other improvements to the Limitless Park have occured over the past several years. Recently a movement has begun to finish the master plan for the Park. A fund raising campaign has begun to raise $1.5 million

Next week’s Program – Possibly Congressman Jim Banks, but unknown at this time if he will be able, however if he is unavailable, we will have a program!

Your positive quote “Happiness is a mood…positivity is a mindset”- unknown