Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, December 7, 2022

Presiding – Chris Plack
Invocation – Randy Polston
Attendance – 77
Greeters – Ron Chambers
Announcements –
- Club dues will be sent January 1, 2023
- Santa House needs Santa and helpers on December 16, 17 & 18
PROGRAM NOTE: 12/14 Optimist Singers Christmas Program
Guests – Matt Fletcher, Susan Kessler, Jonah Burgher

Rick Swaim
Birthdays – Jim Hayes & Rick Swaim

Sergeants – Jeff Owens had a “solo act” today as Sergeant, while John Teevan served as “Intern Sergeant. The collections from the Sergeants were directed toward Combined Community Services, $284 was raised for CCS.
Membership – Shawn Brown had his third reading
Program – Janelle Meyer, Kosciusko County CASA. Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) of Kosciusko County is a non-profit organization committed to speaking in the best interest of children, who are at risk for abuse and neglect. CASA recruits, trains, and supports volunteers to serve at-risk children in the family court system.
Our vision is to assign a screened, trained, and qualified community CASA volunteer advocate for every abused and neglected child that needs one. In working to achieve our vision, we act on the following core values:
Excellence in our endeavors, keeping the best interest of the child as our priority.
Inclusiveness, diversity, respect for all cultures and ethnicities for children, families, advocates, staff, board members, supporters and the community as a whole.
Honorable and respectful involvement in the child welfare system, with the courts, attorneys, therapists, and all parties.
Independent and insightful recommendations, true to our understanding of each child’s best interests, which prioritizes their safety and, wherever possible, preserve connections to their family of origin.
Best interest advocacy driven by the guiding principle that children grow and develop best with their family of origin if that can be safely achieved.
Responsible use of resources to maximize CASA’s positive impact for the child and maintain a credible and sustainable program for the future.
Advocating for the best interest of children requires us to always stand for justice. Navigating the child welfare system with teams of committed staff, volunteers, and stakeholders allow us to listen with our hearts, challenge our minds and create safer communities for the children we serve.