Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, December 22, 2021

Presiding – Jim Smith
Attendance – 79
Invocation –
Greeters – John Teevan and Steve Hollar
Announcements –
- White Elephant auction- Darren Maierle
- Pass basket for tips for black tie catering
- $1,300 raised ringing the bell for Salvation Army

Membership – Induction of new member, Amanda Sautter with Doctor Pam Galloway
Check presentation – Scouts of America Troop 715/ Teen court

Birthdays – Todd Davis (Dec 20th), Coach Jim Kessler (21st) and Tim Hamman (also the 21st)…also anyone else that has a birthday this week
Sergeants at Arms – Members were fined for various bogus reasons.

Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel.

Program – Optimist Singers present our Christmas Program
Next week’s Program – will be our annual White Elephant auction
Positive quote for the day – “Act is if what you do, makes a difference…. IT DOES- William James