Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, December 15, 2021
Presiding – Jim Smith
Attendance – 58
Invocation – Aaron Kline
Greeters – Troy Tom and Larry Bishop
Guests – Terry DuPont
Announcements –
- White Elephant auction- Bill Landrigan
- Prayer for John Elliott, recent cancer surgery
- Update on dues, will be billed on the 1st of January
- Pass basket for tips for black tie catering
- Gloves, rakes, shovels, scoop shovels are needed in Kentucky and Tennessee due to the tornados

Induction – Doc Haines inducted Robert Brannick and John Parker
Check presentation – Scouts of America Troop 715

Birthdays – Judge Chris Kehler (Dec. 12th), Larry Bishop (today, the 15th) and Kevin Weaver (Dec. 17th)
50/50 – $32 to Karen McGraff
Sergeants at Arms – John Kirkpatrick was the focus of “Five Questions”.

Program – Nate Bosch, Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams. Our Mission ~ Making our lakes and streams clean, healthy, safe and beautiful.
The Lilly Center for Lakes & Streams is a research and education center based at Grace College in Winona Lake, Ind. Our organization recommends lake-focused best-practices, based on thorough research, and helps local families and businesses adopt them.
We do that in three ways: conducting research, providing resources, engaging and educating residents, and collaborating with local organizations. Our goal? To make the freshwater lakes and streams of Kosciusko County clean, healthy, safe, and beautiful.
Next week’s Program – will be our Optimist singers for the Christmas program
Your positive quote for the day is… “The only person you are destined to be, is the person you decide to be”~ Ralph Waldo Emerson