Warsaw Breakfast Optimist Club, November 9, 2022

Presiding – Chris Plack
Invocation – David Benning
Attendance – 84
Greeters – John Kirkpatrick, David Haines
Announcements –
- Santa House, we need people to “step up” and play Santa. The Santa House begins
December 2, 2022. We also need an additional member to be “Santa’s Helper” along with Santa.
- Salvation Army Bell Ringing, Saturday, December 3, 2022

50-50 – $52.00 to Mickey Smethers
Membership – Shawn Brown had his first reading
Sergeants – Members were harassed by the Sergeants for various bogus reasons.

Program – The Optimist Singers regaled us with Patriotic Music in celebration of Veteran’s Day.
Lyle Schock, The Lab, was our speaker today. The Lab can repair nearly any electronic device, whether it’s a phone, tablet, computer, or drone. At The Lab they source parts unique to every device and walk customers through your options for repair. Their expert electronic repair technicians can also perform diagnostics on devices, so if your device stops working, they’re here to help you figure out how to get it working again.

Birthdays – K.T. Kishan, Troy Akers