Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, August 21, 2019
Rob Bishop Presiding
Greeters – Dr’s Charlie and Steve Hollar
Guests – Carmen Flores, Tom Kirney, Christine Sommers, Everett Newman
Birthdays – Brian Brachula, Lane Sumner and Luis Gonzalez
Membership – Everett Newman, 2nd reading; Tom Kirney 2nd reading;
Committee Reports –
*Santa House – $3 – $4 thousand in repairs made for much less thanks to Charlie Wagner and Pacesetter Buildings
*Fall Displays – Report on sales of Fall Displays, anyone wanting a Fall Display should go online to WarsawOptimist.org/shop to order.
50 – 50 – $55 Dave Turner, returned the money to the club
Sergeants – Told terrible weather jokes, several Happy Dollars were given for personal celebrations.
Mike talked about the severe weather that has been increasing recently. The National Weather Service (NWS) mission is, “Providing weather, water, and climate data, forecasts and warnings for the protection of life and property and enhancement of the national economy.”
He encouraged us to be ready to be “On Our Own” for seventy-two hours in the event of a weather emergency. The National Weather Service has the sole responsibility for issuing watches and warnings for the entire country.
Decision Support Services are part of the NWS services. The NWS helps local government and other local groups make decisions when to cancel an event.
Storm Spotter Training is offered to residents to be prepared for adverse weather before it strikes.