Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, August 2, 2023

Presiding – Chris Plack
Attendance – 75
Greeters – Ron Chambers & Max Mock
Invocation – Chris Plack
Guests – Amy Snyder, Eden Farwell
Announcements –
- Golf Outing – There are 21 teams enrolled
- Fall Displays are on the way, Ron Donkers began the process for sign up to help with Fall Displays

Check Presentation – $500 to Kosciusko Youth Leadership Academy, Cindy Klusman received the check

Induction – Abby McClaren was inducted into the club
50/50 – $33 to K.T. Kishan
Sergeants – Tim Hamann was our Sergeant Intern for the day. Chris Plack was asked Five Questions about the new meeting place for the Warsaw Breakfast Optimist. We will be meeting at the Warsaw YMCA beginning October 4, 2023.
Program – Ryan Martin was our speaker today from Tippy River Adventures. Tippy River Adventures is a kayak and canoe livery that opened its doors in August 2021. We offer equipment rental and transportation from the embarkment (put-in) location to disembarkment (pull-out) location. You can rent our equipment or use your own.
We decided to open the business after participating in a podcast discussion about Kosciusko County’s lakes, rivers, streams, and natural resources. During that conversation, we realized how difficult it was to enjoy and explore those areas without having a kayak and canoe livery available, and decided to solve the problem ourselves.
We’ve found that the biggest obstacle to enjoying a paddling excursion is needing to have at least two cars, leaving one at the disembarkment area and the other at the embarkment, then having to haul people and equipment between the two either to begin or at the end of the trip.
Tippy River Adventures solves that problem for you, making it easy for you to enjoy your adventure on the Tippecanoe River!