Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, August 19, 2020

Presiding – Pam Galloway, President

Attendance – 47 in person, 21 via Zoom

Invocation – Rick Swaim

Guests – Dave Crisi

Greeter – Mitch Goon


*Golf Outing – Monday, September Need Hole Watchers for hole in one

*Check Presentation – $20,000 to Bakers Youth Club toward a Van

50/50 -$26.00 to Mickey Smethers

Tracy Furnival receiving $20,000 check for Baker Youth Club

Program – Owl Manor Medical, Mark SchindelSpanning nearly 20 years of development, Owl Manor’s portfolio of advanced lameness technologies offers point-of-care convenience with clinically demonstrated effectiveness.  These include devices that process

blood or bone marrow aspirate that is harvested from the animal and prepared on-site in less than 30 minutes.

Our program was presented today by Mark Schindel, Owl Manor Medical

Considering various “IRAP”, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) and cell-based offerings in the veterinary market, these may require a multi-step approach, incubation periods, and/or shipping to-from a facility for processing.  These offerings often require additional time for preparation, the inconvenience of multiple visits, increased stress on the patient, and risk of tracking errors.

The patient’s own blood or bone marrow is collected and prepared.


Harvest and preparation for immediate on-site use (ambulatory or clinic).

No incubation or off-site preparation required.  All products prepared within 15-20 minutes of centrifugation

Shannon Jenks
Matt Guy, 3
rd reading

Tom Tearney
Eric Lane
Brian Brauchla
Dr. Joe Thallemer

Program next week – Grace Women’s Basketball, Dan Davis

Optimistic quote – “You can get everything in life you want if you will just help enough other people get what they want.” ~ Zig Ziglar