Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, August 12, 2020

Presenter today: Andrew Staffelbach, Solar Energy Systems

Presiding – Pam Galloway

Attendance – 37 in person,  21 via Zoom 

Greeter – Ot Schroeder

Invocation –  Layne Sumner

Guests – Dave Crisi, Kyle Sowley

Announcements –
     *Golf Outing
     *Fall Displays
     *District meeting

50/50 Drawing – $21.00 to Bill McCarrick

Program: Solar Energy Systems – Andrew Staffelbach, Solar Energy Systems, LLC is a family-owned, local business in Nappanee, IN that has offered service in the solar industry for over thirteen years (since 2006).  We offer solar energy system sales and installation for businesses, farms, homes, and RVs.  They are located at 8015 W 1350 N, Nappanee, Indiana 46550. 

Solar panels are made up of photovoltaic cells that create an electric charge when exposed to sunlight. The panel collects that charge and sends it to an inverter, which is a device that converts direct current (DC) to alternating current (AC). The inverter sends the electricity to the electric meter, which sends it to a house or facility for use. The electric meter sends any extra electricity to the electric grid, usually generating a credit with the electric utility. 

If a solar system is off-grid, then the solar panel’s DC is sent straight to a battery system. The battery system replaces the electric grid and electric meter, sending the electricity to your inverter, which distributes the electricity to a house or facility. 

Membership :
Matt Guy, Sponsor – Ron Donkers
Shannon Jenks, Sponsor – Jeff Servies  2
nd reading

Birthdays – 
Anne Cuahuizo
John Elliott
Dr. Steve Hollar
Jason Matthews
Jim Reeve

Sergeants – Joel Wihebrink and Chris Williams fined various members for bogus reasons.

Program next week
Owl Manor Medical – Mark Schindel

Optimistic quote – 
“Optimist: Someone who figures that taking a step backward after taking a step forward is not a disaster, it’s more like a cha-cha.”