Warsaw Breakfast Optimist, April 5, 2022

Var Bobba had many expressions as he delivered his dramatic presentation

Grace Ganser too had many “faces” as she delivered her comedic routine

Happy Birthday to Mark Marley

Happy Birthday to
Sarah Masterson

Birthdays – Mark Marley, Sarah Masterson

Invocation – Ron Donkers


Guests – Natalie Goon, Nick Cain, Eden Farwell, Dawn Wilkinson

  • The Triathlon is June 24, 2023. We currently have $13,380 in sponsorships
  • Golf Outing is set for September 12, 2023 Todd Davis is requesting a couple of members to step up
  • Officer elections are upcoming, nominations close next week

50-50 – $42 to John Armacost

Sergeants – Sarah Masterson was “chosen” as the Sergeant Intern for the week. Todd Davis was asked “Five Questions” about the Masters, Ron Chambers was his “phone a friend” for questions that he didn’t know.

Program – WCHS Speech and Debate Team – Kathryn Anders is the WCHS Speech Club Sponsor. She has grown the club over the past five years to the point where the club is performing well at the State Speech and Debate tournament.

Var Bobba member of the WCHS Speech and Debate Team, presented his dramatic speech for the club, while Grace Ganser presented her comedic speech.